Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sick Day

Today was a sucky day,Cam woke up with a fever,just boiling,thanks Juli!!
I hate when lil ones are sick and there's not much you can do.
So tomorrow he has a doctors appt so hopefully its nothing serious.
I really hope that tomorrow is better cuz it sucked today.
Here's my Lil Sick Guy.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Sometimes I expect too much from my girls. I expect so much that I sometimes I feel like I've failed somehow . I guess I forget what its like to be young and though at times they seem selfish I'm beginning to see that they aren't the only ones.
See I want time with them too,I want to talk and relax without their lil boyfriends hanging on them. Because before u know,theyll be off in their own homes with their growing families. And they'll be the ones trying to savor every moment before its too late. I don't know why everything is so dramatic with me when it comes to my children,but I cling and its quite tragic . I hope they forgive me someday and that one day they'll understand.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


So I have Cammy in the bath n you're probably wondering why write about it but just recently he started liking his baths again. He would scream bloody murder at the sound of the water being turned on.
So now I get to enjoy Mr. Littles having bathtime fun!


Well today hasn't been that eventful but its still early. I think I want to work on my room,there's still clothes I need to put away and well I'd just like to pretty it up.

Wanting Change

I really want to take more time ,more time, yeah right!! I want to find time,make time to write. I know if I just take a few minutes each day I'll feel better. I just want to be creative,I have so many thoughts and I need to get em out. There's a lot more I'd love to do but if I could just start one thing,one thing, then all would be right in my World .

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lazy Saturday

Today my Love and I are taking the kiddies to the movie,Diary of a Wimpy Kid part 2. I'm excited !!! I love going to the movies!!! I swear one of these days I'm gonna go by myself, I will and I won't mind either cuz I'm a movie freak.Heehee

Friday, March 18, 2011

Cams Crib

Trying to get Cam use to his crib. For 16 mos he's slept with me n Riley.
I love his baby Einstein aquarium that hangs on his crib.
I'm in love with my babybear and I feel so fortunate to be in love with his Papabear.
