Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Day From Hell

So today was an eventful day. Started out great,Jadie made me the yummiest protein shake with everything in it.
Than life showed up,arguments with my 20 yr baby. She's very much a child still. I knew today I'd need a drink.
Cameron likes to take things away from Zalen,he also likes to throw toys at him. I'm trying to teach him that he can't do this but I'm not sure I'm doing it right,that doesn't make sense but I seriously don't know.
Planned on making cupcakes but that didn't happen. But at the end of the night,Cameron n I took a nice hot bath together.
I forgot to mention that he had two falls today. Pretty serious falls,I'm shocked that the ER was part of my night. I still feel horrible about the events that occurred today. I so so so hope that tomorrow is different,maybe even wonderful.

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